Table of contents

Type Casting

  • Type casting in Python is used to convert one type of value into another possible type, allowing compatibility and flexibility between different data types.
  • Python provides five fundamental type-casting techniques.
  1. int()
  2. float()
  3. bool()
  4. complex()
  5. str()

1. int()

The int() function in Python is used to convert a value of a different type into an integer type.

float values convert into an int.

# float to int var = 100.75 print(var,type(var)) var = int(var) print(var,type(var))

bool values convert into int.

# bool to int var = True print(var,type(var)) var = int(var) print(var,type(var))

Complex values cannot be converted into int. It shows an error.

# complex to int var = 2+3j print(var,type(var)) var = int(var) print(var,type(var)) # error as Type Error

We can convert it into string int into int only.

# str int to int var = "23" print(var,type(var)) var = int(var) print(var,type(var))

The pure string we can convert into int

# value error var = "Python" print(var,type(var)) var= int(var) print(var,type(var))
# string float we cannot convert into int it shows error - value error var = "12.34" print(var,type(var)) var = int(var) print(var,type(var))
# string complex we cannot convert into int it shows error - values error var = "2+3j" print(var,type(var)) var = int(var) print(var,type(var))

2. float()

The floatt() function in Python is used to convert a value of a different type into a float type.  

we can convert the int data type to the float data type.

# int to float data type var = 20 print(var,type(var)) var = float(var) print(var,type(var))

we can convert the bool data type to the float data type.

bool to float data type var = True print(var,type(var)) var = float(var)) print(var,type(var))

We cannot convert complex data types to float data types. It shows the error as a value error

# complex to float data type var = 3+4j print(var,type(var)) var = float(var)) print(var,type(var))

We can only convert a string float data type into a float data type.

# string float into float var = "23.34" print(var,type(var)) var = float(var)) print(var,type(var))

3) bool()

The bool() is used to convert any Possible type values into bool type values.

All NON-Zero Values are Treated as True.

All zero values and empty strings are considered false.

We will convert all the data types into bool data type

# int to bool var = 23 print(var,type(var)) var = bool(var) print(var,type(var)) var1 = 0 print(var1,type(var1)) var1 = bool(var1) print(var1,type(var1))
# flaot to bool var = 22.5 print(var,type(var)) var = bool(var) print(var,type(var))
# complex to bool var = 3+4j print(var,type(var)) var = bool(var) print(var,type(var))
# str to bool var = "" print(var,type(var)) var = bool(var) print(var,type(var)) var1 = "False" print(var,type(var))

5) Str()

str() is used for converting "All Types of values into str type values"

We cannot convert a pure string into an int, float, or complex.

# Pure str into other data types var = "hello" print(var,type(var)) var1 = int(var) # error var2 = float(var) # error var3 = complex(var) # error

We can convert a str into a bool data type.

# srt to bool var = "hello" print(var,type(var)) var = bool(var) print(var,type(var))