Table of contents


  • An identifier is a unique name given to variables, functions, classes, etc., for identification in Python.
  • Identifiers are created using a combination of letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_).
  • They cannot start with a digit 
  • It  doesn't allow special characters like @, #, or % except (_) underscore.  
  • Keywords (35 in Python 3.10) cannot be used as identifiers.
  • Python identifiers are case-sensitive, meaning VarName and varname are treated differently.
  • The .isidentifier() method checks if a string is a valid identifier, returning True or False.
# Valid Identifiers: variable1 = 10 # Starts with a letter and contains numbers. _temp_var = 20 # Starts with an underscore (allowed, but use carefully). myFunction = 30 # Combines letters in camel case (common convention). value123 = 40 # Contains letters and numbers but starts with a letter. MAX_VALUE = 60 # Uses all uppercase letters and underscores (common for constants).
# invalid identifiers 1variable = 11 # Starts with a number (invalid). my-var = 22 # Contains a hyphen, which is not allowed. @temp = 24 # Uses a special character (@), which is invalid. def = 26 # A Python keyword, so it cannot be used as an identifier. hello world = 11 # Contains a space, which is not allowed.
# Validation Example Using .isidentifier(): print("variable1".isidentifier()) # True print("1variable".isidentifier()) # False print("my-var".isidentifier()) # False print("_valid".isidentifier()) # True