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String Methods

 In addition to Indexing and Slicing Operations, we can perform various other operations on the string object by using pre-defined functions present in the string.

The pre-defined functions present in the string  are


capitalize()Converts the string's first character to a capital letter.  

# Capitalize a = "name" print(a.capitalize())


count() function in Python is used to count the occurrences of a substring within a given string.

  • substring: The string to be counted within the main string.
  • start (optional): The starting index from where to begin counting.
  • end (optional): The ending index where counting stops (not included).

Syntax : string.count(substring, start, end)

text = "hello world, hello universe" count_hello = text.count("hello") print(count_hello)
text = "hello world, hello universe" count_hello = text.count("l") print(count_hello)

Len() is the pre-defined function that can be used to find the length of the string.