Table of contents

Basic Of Python

  • Definition: A program is a set of instructions written in a programming language to perform tasks or solve problems.
  • Key Components: Programs consist of input, processing logic, and output, using executable statements, functions, and data structures.
  • Examples: Programs include tools like web browsers for internet browsing and calculators for mathematical operations.
  • An expression is an instruction that a Python interpreter can execute.
  • It is a combination of operators (for computations) and operands (values or variables).
  • Operators perform arithmetic or logical computations, while operands are the values or variables on which operators act.

Three essential components are required to represent data in Python..

  1. Literals
  2. Identifiers/Variables
  3. Data Types

Literals are nothing but input values passing to the program. We have 4 types of literals. They are

   Numerical Literals: Include integers, floats, and complex numbers.

  1.  integer (whole number)
  2. float (Decimal number)
  3. complex (real & imaginary part)
# Numerical Literals num = 10 # integer num2 = 30.5 # float num3 = 2+3j

   Boolean Literals: True and False, representing logical values.  

  1. True
  2. False
# Boolean Literals var = True #bool var2 = False

   String Literals: Enclosed in single, double, or triple quotes.

  1. String
# string Literals str1 = "Python" str2 = 'Hello'

Special Literals : None, indicating the absence of a value or uninitialized variables

  1. None
# Special Literals var = None
  • Comments are non-executable code used by developers to make the program more understandable.
  • The Python interpreter ignores them during execution.
  • Single-Line Comments: Start with # and are used for brief explanations.
# Single-line Comments age = 20
  • Inline Comments: Placed after executable code, also start with #.
name = "Suresh" # Name
  • Multi-Line Comments: Enclosed in triple single or double quotes (''' or """) for larger explanations.
""" Python is high-level programming language """ ''' Python is high-level programming language '''
  • Indentation is used to represent a block of code and indicates its belongingness to specific constructs like if, for, or functions.
  • A minimum of one space is required, but 4 spaces or a tab is recommended for consistency.
  • Incorrect or inconsistent indentation generates errors, and IDEs assist with auto-indentation.
  • Keywords are reserved words in Python with predefined functionality and cannot be used as identifiers.
  • Python 3.10 has 35 keywords, though this number may change with future versions.
  • Keywords can be explored using Python's help system, e.g., help> keywords or help> continue for details.
import keyword # List all Python keywords print("List of Python Keywords:") print(keyword.kwlist)